Thursday, January 18, 2007

Corrections Officers fired for contacting teenage juvie inmate -- On MySpace

Medina, OH -- The Medina County Juvenile Detention center acted quickly in firing two corrections officers who setup a MySpace account at work and used that account to contact a teenage inmate at their facility. John Stone and Anthony Berrios do not appear to have contacted the girl in other ways or met with her inappropriately...all interactions seem to have taken place on MySpace.

Seems like the real story here, though, is that inmates at the Medina County Juvenile Detention facility have Internet Access and MySpace accounts. That seems like exactly what troubled teenagers need...unbridled access to the sexual deviants and pedophiles who troll MySpace. "Welcome to the Medina County Juvenile Detention Facility. Please step this way so that we can photograph you for a milk carton notice that will be published within six months of your release."

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